Handbook for handling recovered refrigerants
We are pleased to announce that the Office of Ozone Layer and Climate Protection, the LUKASIEWICZ Research Network-Institute of Industrial Chemistry, and the LUKASIEWICZ Institute of Industrial Chemistry. prof. The Ignacy Moscicki Foundation has posted on its website the “Handbook for Handling Recovered Agents” developed by our Foundation.
This manual is a very important and useful publication for service companies and operators. In it, we touch on legal issues at the boundary of waste and F-gas regulations, discuss definitions of refrigerant recycling and reclamation, and address the practical side.
Take a look at the attached publication!
According to the current state of the law, as of January 1, 2020. new provisions of the Waste Law are in force, according to which waste management operations are carried out only through the electronic Database on Products and Packaging and Waste Management (BDO).